Peace at last

UK TOUR | 22 OCT - 06 NOV 2023

OperaUpClose in partnership with Chickenshed Theatre and Southampton and Isle of Wight Music Hubs present Peace At Last, an opera for 3 – 5 year olds based on the picture book by Jill Murphy.

Mr Bear is desperately trying to get to sleep but is kept awake by the varying sounds of the night: Mrs Bear snoring, Baby Bear playing, a dripping tap, a clock ticking, an owl hooting…will he ever get any rest?!

Inspired by the enduringly popular book, Peace At Last is performed by three singers, harp and woodwind. For children aged 3-5, families and any adult with a sense of fun and wonder. 

Based on the picture book by Jill Murphy
Music by Joanna Lee
Words by Robin Norton-Hale

Running time: approximately 35 minutes  

PEACE AT LAST text and illustrations © Jill Murphy, 1980  





Original production - Robin Norton-Hale 

Musical Director -
Greg Hearle  

Rehearsal Pianist -
Maria Struckova

Production Manager -
Callum Finn

Company Stage Manager -
Tracy Benner

Technical Stage Manager -
Phoebe Butcher


Abigail Kelly, Julian Chou-Lambert, Gemma Morsley. Photo by Holly Revell
Gemma Morsley, Julian Chou-Lambert, Abigail Kelly. Photo by Holly Revell
Gemma Morsley. Photo by Holly Revell

Mrs Bear Gemma Morsley, Mr Bear Julian Chou-Lambert and Baby Bear Abigail Kelly. Photography Holly Revell.


Sunday 22 October
Chickenshed Theatre, London
11am, 12.45pm & 2pm


Saturday 28 October
MAST, Southampton
11am & 2pm

Sunday 29 October
The Landmark Theatre, Ilfracombe
11am & 1pm

Sunday 05 November and
Monday 06 November (schools only)
Mansfield Museum
2pm & 4pm

We are very grateful to our generous supporters for making this project possible

PEACE AT LAST text and illustrations copyright © 1980, 1995 and 2007 by Jill Murphy